This is my last page to post from my retreat at the Lodge. It was the first page I started when I got there. I must admit that this was a redo. I had scrapped these pictures and I really hated the page. I know that is a no no. I like this one much better.
I must say Leah you are an awesome scrapbooker!!! I love your work and aspire to your level but not sure I will ever get there. It's crazy how fast it seems Abi has grown. I feel like it was just yesterday that you guys were in Bellevue and I was visiting while Abi was under those bili lights for jaundice and now she is huge!!! I haven't scrapbooked forever and not sure when I will ever again. I have so much paper and stuff. I might find that the digital scrapbooks are faster and easier with a little one coming but I know they just aren't the same either! : (